Mare Nostrum VR

Lost Memories aims to produce a poetic and emotional immersive experience focusing the lost of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea while they attempt to reach the European shores. The lost objects loaded of memories are a metaphor of the lost lives. At the beginning the viewer is experiencing a diving journey starting with an idyllic marine…

ASCII – ASCII Sound Continuum Interactive Installation Experimental sound art joining with 3D projection ASCII (Ascii Sound Continuum Interactive Installation) is an audio-video installation that uses the environmental sounds in order to create a ‘waterfall’ of ASCII characters in 3D retro-projection mapping, projected on a three-dimensional space appropriately created. The work describes the continuous path between the simplification of the  input data,…

Emufest 2013 – ASCII

Ascii Sound Continuum Interactive Installation ASCII (Ascii Sound Continuum Interactive Installation) è un’installazione audio visuale che utilizza i suoni ambientali per creare una cascata di caratteri ASCII in 3d retro-projection mapping, proiettata su uno spazio tridimensionale opportunamente costruito.L’opera descrive un percorso continuo tra la semplificazione dei dati in ingresso, (ottenuta tramite medie spettrali del suono ambientale in frequenze…