Gli Artisti del gusto – sound design

Artisti del Gusto: PROFESSIONALITÀ E PASSIONE Il caffè è arte, scienza, cultura, rito, piacere dei sensi, sapienza dei gesti. Gli Artisti del Gusto sono baristi speciali, e lo sanno bene: chi cerca l’eccellenza, deve incontrarli. Un barista diventa Artista del Gusto dopo una difficile selezione. La sua giusta inclinazione viene colta, guidata ed esaltata anche grazie all’Università del caffè. Un…

The Dark Side of the Sun

Colonna sonora vincitrice del premio Soundtrack al Festival del cinema di Sulmona 2011 Xeroderma Pigmentosum is a rare genetic illness which principally consists in a deficiency of the Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER), the ability of human cells to repair damages provoked by exposure to ultraviolet rays, principally coming from the sun. This means patients suffering from…

‘Til death do us apart

A one-hour documentary about the life and near-death of Kenneth Foster, a young man who gained the world’s attention and respect for his fight against the Texas courts who sentenced him to death despite the fact that he never committed murder. His 11 year battle to reverse this decision was granted only six hours before…

Fluid Video Crew – Diario di uno Scuro – 2008

Storia di un ragazzo del Sud, nato in una famiglia bene del Salento e finito prima boss della Sacra Corona Unita e poi detenuto. Storia di Antonio Perrone, che insegue il sogno di “una vita al massimo”, si afferma come capo delle nuova criminalità organizzata e passa decine di anni in galera. Buona parte dei…

Chatzer: inside Jewish Venice

Though the multicultural influences on Venice made the city a magic melting pot, the various ingredients helmer Carlo Hintermann throws into docu “Chatzer: Inside Jewish Venice” stubbornly refuse to meld. Film gets distracted by too many tangential ideas and, while each may be fascinating, Hintermann has difficulty balancing main ideas with minor asides. Still, popular…

Rosy Fingered Dawn

Rosy-Fingered Dawn is a film on Terrence Malick. It is about the making of BADLANDS, DAYS OF HEAVEN, THE THIN RED LINE (considered three main moments in the American cinema), and the personal involvement of some of the most representative figures of the American culture itself.The testimonies of Sam Shepard, Arthur Penn, Martin Sheen, Sissy…